Welcome to vizlab

We are a research team based in Unisinos, Brazil

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About Us

VizLab is a multidisciplinary laboratory focused on GeoInformatics and 3D Visualization, with a strong bias in the Oil & Gas industry.

Amongst our interests are:

  • Computer graphics & vision
  • Visualization and interaction on immersive environments
  • Positional quality for imaging and surveys


Projects image


Modelling and management of multiscale data, 3-D visualization and outcrops interpretations sharing.


Fully immersive computational environment capable of creating the awareness of being on the fieldwork, while also providing the user with an extensive toolset for DOMs interpretation.


Low cost immersive driving simulator to improve the teaching & training learning process of the Transport Infrastructure.


Virtual reality system for inspection of road and viaducts.


Game focused on the study of upper limb members affected in a Stroke.


Telediagnosis, dysmorphology analysis and monitoring of patients with congenital anomalies and rare genetic disorders.

Viscarb Picture


Modelling and management of multiscale data, 3-D visualization and outcrops interpretations sharing.

The project has the central purpose of developing a Digital Interactive Geological Atlas with 3D visualization of analogs in varying scales and a supportive toolset for interpretation (Unisinos) and multiscale modeling (LNCC). The results from the project will subsidize the understanding of fracturing and karstification of carbonate reservoirs, as well as helping in the construction of more realistic geological models through the incorporation of parameters extracted from subsurface data, and also propound techniques of geological modeling that take in account those new models.

This study fits in an arrangement of joint work composed by different projects from Petrobras which will provide data and information for the Atlas. Those are the results of geological mapping through virtual outcrops models, shallow geophysics with different techniques for obtaining subsurface data, in addition to laboratory data such as petrography, geochemistry, microscopy, petrophysics, porous systems, hydromechanical/geomechanical analysis, among others. Those projects and the respective executors intitutions are CristalDOM (UFRN), CarbLab (UFG), FurnaDOM (UFRN), Queijo Suíço (UnB), and VISCARB (Unisinos). Other projects related to studies of fractured and karstified carbonate rocks might associate to this arrangement during the execution, both as data providers and system users.

Mosis Picture

MOSIS - Multi-Outcrop Sharing & Interpretation System

Fully immersive computational environment capable of creating the awareness of being on the fieldwork, while also providing the user with an extensive toolset for DOMs interpretation.

Throughout the last few years, the number of studies on virtual outcrops surface models, acquired by LiDAR and multi-view SfM techniques has been increasing dramatically. Due to the large quantity of data generated by these methods the geoscientists now have access to an ever-increasing data set. However, these researchers have no available software capable of offering a user experience comparable to the fieldwork. Though interpretation software packages have been developed, they are inherently limited by the characteristics of 2-D displays. The visualization environment suffers from a lack of immersion to emulate the fieldwork experience.

Some tools that try to achieve this have been developed, but, while succeeding to deliver the necessary immersion, they fall short on the interpretation toolset area. That is what lead to the development of MOSIS, a system that provides a fully immersive computational environment capable of creating the awareness of being on the fieldwork, yet also providing the user with an extensive toolset for DOMs interpretation. This complete system will help to reduce uncertainties in Oil&Gas exploration and production. It can support the development of more robust conceptual geological models, through analyzing the quantitative and qualitative geological parameters of analogs.

Riders Picture


Low cost immersive driving simulator to improve the teaching & training learning process of the Transport Infrastructure.

The principal goal of this project is to develop a low-cost immersive driving simulator to improve the teaching & training learning process of the Transport Infrastructure.  The driving simulator has been developed in a virtual reality environment to assist both the teaching of engineering and the research on road safety through a fully immersive environment by eliminating external distractions.

Imspector Picture


Virtual reality system for inspection of road and viaducts.

One of the main difficulties in the inspection of bridges or viaducts by observation is inaccessibility or lack of access throughout the structure. As mapping from remote sensors on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or laser scanning becomes more common, it also presents an interesting alternative to the engineer as it enables more detailed analysis and diagnostics.

Such mapping techniques also allow the generation of realistic 3D models that can be integrated into Virtual Reality (VR) environments. In this sense, the ImSpector presents a system that uses realistic 3D models generated by remote sensors embedded in UAVs. That way it is capable of implementing a virtual and immersive environment for inspections. As a result, it provides to the engineer a tool to carry out field tests directly at the office, ensuring agility, accuracy, and safety in bridge and viaduct inspections.

Avencer Picture


Game focused on the study of upper limb members affected in a Stroke.

It is a game aimed at physiotherapeutic rehabilitation of patients with sequelae in the upper limb affected by Stroke. The experience occurs in non-immersive virtual reality with the addition of the hardware Leap Motion. The project is based on fitting visually distinct geometric figures on their respective sockets along four challenges.

Those steps distribute the objects, in order, between:

  • Static and aligned
  • Static and misaligned with different heights
  • Static and diagonals with different heights
  • Dynamic objects with physics

The user is encouraged to perform flexo-extension movements of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers so that the objectives can be accomplished. This type of exercise helps the patient as it works with fine motor skills. The game has an opening panel for collecting personal information, the kind and etiology of the stroke that occurred and the range of disability. The generated data can be exported for external analysis, which leads to conclusions on the evolution of the patient.

Medviewer Picture


Telediagnosis, dysmorphology analysis and monitoring of patients with congenital anomalies and rare genetical disorders.

This work presents a visualization system of 3D models for telediagnosis of dysmorphic syndromes and rare diseases. The system includes diagnostic support tools such as immersive visualization and metric analysis, as well as a client-server architecture for storing and distributing models. In order for them to be accessed on different devices, the models need to be available in different resolutions and, for this, it is needed simplification and their quality verification.

In order to measure the aforementioned quality, a method of comparing point clouds based on the approximation of subsets of the cloud to the planes is being developed. A prototype of the system has been developed and has already presented good results, which include immersion support and tools to perform measurements in the virtual model. The comparison method has been tested during its development and presents promising results.

Get Involved

Here at VizLab we are working continuously to make GeoInformatics and other technologies more accessible to everyone. Some of our published solutions can be found here.

Scientific Contributions

"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom." ― Isaac Asimov

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Our Team

"The mind that opens up to a new idea never returns to its original size." - Albert Einstein

Ademir Photo

Ademir Marques Jr.

Aline Photo

Aline Weschenfelder

Researcher/Design UX-UI
Alysson Photo

Alysson Soares Aires

Branda Photo

Branda Weppo

Researcher/Design UX-UI and Semiotics
Bruno Photo

Bruno Schubert

Developer/Front Web
Carolina Photo

Carolina Kremer

Researcher/ Biology and Geochemistry
Demetrius Photo

Demétrius Nunes Alves

Developer/High Performance Computing
Diego Brum Photo

Diego Brum

Researcher/Geodesy and Remote Sensing
Diego Diemmer Photo

Diego H. Diemmer

Developer/High Performance Programming
Eniuce Photo

Eniuce Menezes

Researcher/Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
Fabi Photo

Fabiane Bordin

Researcher/Remote Sensing
Gabriel Adamski Photo

Gabriel Adamski

Developer/Front and Back End Developer
Gabriel Photo

Gabriel Lanzer

Developer/Applied Mathematics and GPU Programming
Graciela Photo

Graciela Eliane dos Reis Racolte

Jean Photo

Jean Lucca de Fraga

Developer/Computer Graphics
Julia Photo

Julia Boesing

Developer/Computer Graphics
Leonardo Bachi Photo

Leonardo Bachi

Leonardo Photo

Leonardo Santana

Developer/Immersive Visualization
Lucas Photo

Lucas Kupssinskü

Researcher/Software Engineering and AI
Luiz Gonzaga Photo

Luiz Gonzaga Jr.

Coordinator/Computer Graphics and X-Reality
Marianne Photo

Marianne Müller

Mauricio Photo

Mauricio Veronez

Coordinator/Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing
Pedro Photo

Pedro Rossa

Manager/Researcher - X-Reality
Rafael Freitas Photo

Rafael de Freitas

Developer/Front and Back End Developer
Rafael Horota Photo

Rafael Kenji Horota

Taina Photo

Tainá Thomassim Guimarães

Researcher/Environmental Engineering
Vinicius Photo

Vinícius Salles

Wendel Photo

Wendel Jeske

Developer/Computer Graphics



Bolsa de Pesquisa Desenvolvedor(a) Web

Período de inscrição: 14/01/2020 - 13/02/2020

Requisito: Estar cursando Graduação.

Responsabilidades: Auxílio no desenvolvimento de aplicações web e interação com banco de dados SQL.

Conhecimentos: HTML, CSS e JS.

Diferenciais: Conhecimento em Vue e em banco de dados relacional (SQL).

Carga horária: 20h.

Bolsa de Pesquisa Desenvolvedor(a) Python, C++

Período de inscrição: 14/01/2020 - 13/02/2020.

Requisito: Estar cursando Graduação.

Responsabilidades: Auxiliar pesquisadores no desenvolvimento de algoritmo.

Conhecimentos: Orientação a Objetos, Python e C++.

Diferencial: Contato prévio com pesquisa acadêmica.

Carga horária: 20h.

Bolsa de Pesquisa Desenvolvedor(a) C# (Unity 3D)

Período de inscrição: 14/01/2020 - 13/02/2020.

Requisito: Estar cursando Graduação.

Responsabilidades: Auxiliar no desenvolvimento de aplicações no motor de jogos Unity 3D.

Conhecimentos: Orientação a Objetos e C#.

Diferenciais: Sistema de versionamento (GIT) e Metodologias ágeis.

Carga horária: 20h.


VizLab is a multidisciplinary laboratory focused on GeoInformatics and 3D Visualization, with strong bias on oil & Gas industry. Our interests includes computer graphics & vision, immersive visualization, interaction on immersive environment and positional quality for imaging & surveys.

Av. Unisinos, 950
São Leopoldo, RS 93.022-750


3591-1122 :1776

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"About Us" - Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash